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Out-of-Character Section

This section is completely in-character. You MUST reply to topics in an in-character manner. If you would like to reply out of character, please add '((' before your message and '))' after your message.

This forum section is In Character (IC) and there are some special rules that apply to these forums:

Use Out of Character (OOC) brackets by doing "(( ))" when not talking in character
No smiley's unless it is covered up by OOC brackets
No abbreviations unless it is covered up by OOC brackets (eg. "plz, thx" etc.)
No acronyms unless it is covered up by OOC brackets (eg. "TY, WTF, LOL, OMG" etc.)
Topics and replies should be kept IC, we have another forum for OOC topics
OOC material will be deleted and the poster will be warned))

Violations of any of the rules above will lead to a forum warning (which can lead to a permanent forum ban) and at least 50% total wealth fine of your character.

Best regards,
Director of Public Relations